Connecting, saving, sharing and adjusting
The design of HL7 Endpoint enhances pharmacy integration and prescription management for connected providers.
Explore the capability and necessary steps to get your system connected

Establish connections to get the data flowing (we contact the pharmacy or client).
We install a secure TCP/IP over MLLP listener on the system, sending the HL7 messages. Most often, it is the pharmacy server. After testing we configure our monitoring and alert setup to manage this connection.
Mirth Connect -RDS, RDE, and ADT messages
Next we get the data flowing to an instance of mirth connection. This can be on Azure or AWS. We can store the data or not depending on your requirements. We can simply pass through the hl7 messages unaltered, we can provide a template JSON or XML array. We can also customize the data per your endpoint requirements. Files can be shared via odbc connections, SFTP, webhooks, APIs or other secure methods preferred.

Rx Management, eMAR use cases, and Business Logic
Depending on the customer's use case, we can perform several data transformations and business rules support specific to the customer.
The available payload contains all the required information, allowing the end user to manage internal data requirements.
Control panel and changing the rules.
Utilize our control panel to investigate message patterns and model the rules per the specific customers needs.
Some want ADT messages, other only want RDS of new medications only (never seen before). This can be handled at the pharmacy, facility level.

HIPAA Compliance and Security
Trust in the highest standards of data security and compliance with hl7endpoint, including access controls, encryption, audit logs, and duplicate geolocated data backups.
Integration and Interoperability
Seamlessly integrate your application with other systems, such as pharmacy management or health care systems, enabling a comprehensive view of resident health information.